Welcome to Hope for development foundation

Who are we

HFD-FOUNDATION is a Non profit and Non governmental charitable organization dedicated to the promotion of sustainable self empowerment and social inclusion in Cameroon . We are primarily involved in humanitarian activities aimed at improving the standards of living for underprivileged Cameroonians. Our projects covered diverse fields of developmental concern such as Education, health, water and sanitation, child care, human rights, environment, women’s empowerment as well as providing assistance to discriminated and disadvantaged community groups such as people with disabilities, street children and orphans.READ MORE

Our mission is to foster innovation for social change and engage development for everyone.

We strive to create a world that human dignity is respected by everyone in our society.

Our Programs

Our Core Values

We Strive Self Determination & Diversity

We Strive Self Determination & Diversity

People should be able to make choices based on their own preferences and interests, regardless of their sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion. For we believed each individual was born unique.

We are for Equality & Social Justice

We are for Equality & Social Justice

We are not the same in planet, but we are equal. Despite our position, race or gender we should embrace our uniqueness in honesty, equality and social justice for all.

Sustainable Use of our Planet Resources

Sustainable Use of our Planet Resources

We only have one planet which offers great riches to the society. These riches are however not limited but is facing a lot of challenges due to our human activities and involvement. We must collectively preserve for the generations.

We are for freedom and Dignity

We are for freedom and Dignity

We believed every human being has the right to live in freedom and dignity. People should have the freedom to believe what they want, voice their opinions.
